CEI Services
The American Engineering Group (AEG) team offers our clients, the Florida Department of Transportation, Miami-Dade Expressway Authority, and Florida Turnpike Enterprise, an experienced team of engineers and inspectors, all CTQP (Construction Technician Qualification Program) certified by the State of Florida. The AEG team is qualified in providing CEI services for concrete testing, asphalt, earthwork, drilled shafts, and maintenance of traffic. Our inspection team exhibits a proactive and hands-on approach to anticipate and identify potential conflicts and issues during the planning and early construction phase to avoid claims, construction delays, and schedule impacts to deliver a high quality product to our client.

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Project & Construction Management
AEG strives to solve the difficult project challenges faced by our client while understanding their needs and concerns to provide solutions for the delivery of a successful project.
Quality Control
Inspection Testing Sampling, Monitoring, Cost Control,Witnessing, and Audits Quality AssuranceMoveable Bridges, Hurricane Recovery & Relief. AEG offers and delivers proven, systamatic methods of quality control/qualityassurance throughout its projects.
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Quality Assurance
Moveable Bridges, Hurricane Recovery & Relief. AEG experience as well as our working knowledge of standard FDOT, MDX, and Turnpike systems and procedures result in delivery of quality project meeting the needs and visions of our client on time and within budget.You find all service in American Engineering Group